Volume 2 - Sonny Joe Williamson

It was a gloomy November day back in 2017 and we were shooting for our latest Winter Collection. I had been following @sonnyjoetattooer on Instagram and was a big fan of his tattoos. Not only this but he was a handsome bastard too so I'd asked him to model for us.
The shoot went super well and since then he's designed t-shirts, pins and patches for us and tattooed me twice. The guys a legend, so naturally he was the first person I thought of to interview for Flaash Fuckeries.
Handsome Sonny
Sonny mate, where did you grow up and how would you describe it?
I grew up down south in a City called Plymouth. It's actually a beautiful place, right by the ocean with some pretty amazing beaches. I have some amazing memories growing up down there! Mainly playing football and finding high buildings we could jump off into the ocean.
I ended up leaving Plymouth at age 14 and moving to a small town up North called Hartlepool. This is where I felt like I properly 'grew up'. Probably because I developed into the person I am today whilst living there. Hartlepool isn't the prettiest of places but the people there definitely make up for it. There's some crazy characters along with some of the best people I've ever met, nothing but love for the north!

What and Who inspires you?
I find that I get inspired by almost everything and anything at all. Lately I've been getting really inspired by other people's mindsets. I recently listened to a podcast with a guy called David Goggins, he's been my latest inspiration. I won't give you his life story but he really pushes boundaries with himself both mentally and physically. Hearing about what he's achieved in his life makes you realise how we could always be doing more.
What's your jam at the moment?
Oooohh my jam at the moment is definitely Sam Fenders debut album Hypersonic Missiles! If you've been living under a rock and haven't heard yet then definitely go check it out. He's kinda resorted the little bit of faith I had left on the music industry. I've also been listening to a lot of Anderson Paak, Bruce Springsteen and Richard Ashcroft. Richard Ashcroft actually has this new live album on Spotify from the Chris Evans show and it's fucking great. I've listened to it every day for well over a month now.

I'm a big fan of lunch. What did you have for lunch and what would you rate it out of 10?
I actually ate like a king today so I'm quite proud of this answer. I had some honey roasted salmon with chillies, kale, cabbage and rice. I was working late tonight so I treated myself to a big lunch, I give it a solid 8/10.
(This answer definitely kicked the ass out of my packet pasta)
What's your favourite and least favourite thing about tattooing?
I love nearly everything about tattooing! I love that I have so much freedom, I can draw what I like, sometimes tattoo whatever I like, work whenever and wherever I want. I've had the pleasure of meeting so many great people that I would definitely call best mates. Sometimes I'll be in the middle of tattooing a Panther licking a planet or something crazy and I'll get overwhelmed with gratitude and think how much I love my job.
Okay so one major thing that I hate in tattooing is that I see a lot of shops churning out apprentice after apprentice. It's simply watering down the industry with people who shouldn't be tattooing.
I also hate it when people own tattoo studios who have never had anything to do with tattooing and know nothing about the industry. I've worked and had good mates work in shops that were owned and ran by a person who was just looking to make money. Those types of people are not good for the industry.
What's your favourite instagram account follow?
Britney Spears Instagram account is always a good laugh.
If you could be any person in the world for a day who would it be and why?
Probably Eben Briton purely because he gets to hang out with Mike Tyson every day whilst getting super high. Would be hilarious and super scary at the same time being high around Mike Tyson listening to him tell crazy stories.
Do you have a tattoo you're most proud of?
I managed to get tattooed off Doc Price at London tattoo convention. He's the oldest working tattooist in the U.K. At the age of 87. He's also from Plymouth and has tattooed both my parents and even my Grandad! I got a couple of his classic swallows with banners saying Mum and Dad.

Lastly what are your goals for 2020?
I only have a few simple goals for next year! I would like to work at a few more conventions, see a few more countries, start regularly competing in amateur boxing and just have an all round good time!
Insane Piece from Sonny
I really wish Sonny the best for 2020. He has helped us a load, but I'm also super keen to see him punched in that handsome mug !
You can find Sonny on instagram @sonnyjoetattooer and he's currently splitting his time working at Gypsy Blood in London and Four Daggers in Middlesborough.