Volume 8 - Good Omens
Well the monthly blog had yet another hiatus. Putting pen to paper is harder than I thought.
In fact it's been a weird old year over here. Brexit brought it in crazy shipping complications, plus I dealt with a social media overload which became a little overwhelming. I was stuck in a rut.
But it was the little things that brought me out of it. I'm not overly superstitious or anything but I've noticed there are certain objects, occurrences, food or even articles of clothing that set me right. Good omens, I guess.

Sailors had swallows, shepherds had red skies and when a bird shits on your head this is considered a good omen too. My original symbol of good luck was this heron I used to see on my old cycling commute. I named him Walter and if I saw him in the morning I felt like it would be a good day. I also have a pair of Lacoste socks that make me feel fancy. They were a desperation purchase at the airport, I didn't think wet socks (I got caught in the rain with typically holey shoes on the way to the airport) on a 24 hour flight to New Zealand were a good idea.
I've spoken to others and most say the same thing to me. They usually have a lucky hat or a lucky pair of underwear. For me even a good breakfast with a good coffee set's me right. I'm always running late for pretty much everything so this happens more rarely than it should.
So for our latest collection I looked at my pillars of good luck and planned everything around them. The Camberwell Beauty is a butterfly that is icon in my neighbourhood. Supposedly finding a butterfly in your home is considered a good omen. The handshake between friends, and if you look closely the pesky shitting bird makes and appearance in this collection too.
We also want a piece of our clothing to one day be your good luck charm. Something that makes you feel good as soon as you put it on. It's part of the reason we choose the hardy fabrics we do.
So I present you the Good Omens Collection. Enjoy :)
P.S sadly Walter didn't make it in to the collection this time around but he will in good time